Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Why Just Appeals is Best Suited for Federal Court of Appeal Proceeding in Albuquerque?

If you’re considering appealing your case to the Federal Court of Appeal Albuquerque, you need an experienced appellate attorney on your side. Dr. Scott M. Davidson of Just Appeals has the knowledge and experience in appellate court cases that have made Just Appeals the firm best suited to guide your case through the Federal Court of Appeal proceedings in Albuquerque.

U.S. Court of Appeals Facts You Should Know
Just because you have been assigned a conviction does not mean that there is no other legal recourse you can take. In some instances, errors made in your trial may make your case eligible to be appealed to a higher court. Albuquerque residents may present their cases to the District of New Mexico which is in the Tenth Federal Circuit.  However, not all cases are eligible for appeal nor are their appeals successful.

Either party in a civil case may appeal the trial’s verdict but only the defendant may appeal a guilty verdict in a criminal case. Of the thousands of court cases that seek appeal each year, only a small percentage of these cases result in a successful reversal of the lower court’s verdict. Unfortunately, many cases are unsuccessful.

Why You Need Just Appeals to Guide You Through the Appeals Process
Because so many cases attempting an appeal are either not heard by the appellate court or do not succeed in getting their verdicts overturned, you need a reliable appeals attorney to advocate for your case and guide you through this process.  If you want to take your case to the Federal Court of Appeals inAlbuquerque, you should enlist the help of Just Appeals.

For decades, Dr. Scott M. Davidson has had experience in appellate litigation on state and federal levels.  He’s represented clients from around the world and has been part of ground-breaking decisions in appellate court proceedings.  His knowledge earned at Yale University and the University of New Mexico School of Law, coupled with his years of experience arguing dozens of appellate civil and criminal cases, has made Just Appeals the best-suited firm to guide you through the Federal Court of Appeal Albuquerque proceedings. Contact Just Appeals today for more information.